

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Easy Ab Workout!

If you want to get some nice abs then there is only one (healthy) way; working out. I am giving you a simple workout that is guaranteed to get you fit. First I suggest about five minutes of jogging  (400 m). That should get you warmed up for THE WORKOUT. Before we do anything you must STRETCH! After stretching do an one minute plank. Rest for a minute and then do ten sit ups. Now it's time for twenty crunches. Do ten more sit ups and rest for a minute. Do a one minute side plank on your left then on your right. Now it's time for the hard one: keep your torso in a mid sit up wail rotating yourself from side to side with a ball in your hands making sure the ball touches the ground each time on each side. Do this for one minute. Finish it off strong with three times the five minute run (fifteen minutes), but this time run for three minutes and then walk for the other two. WELL DONE! If you keep this up you will be fit in no time. The most important thing when it comes to working out is to do it continuously. Good luck!

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